FORMED  IN 2024!

The first saw us working closely with Lincolnshire based publishers CHRONOS PUBLISHING (a part of the FCM GROUP), and the second with the highly respected Global Content Providers WORLD HISTORY ARCHIVE.

​​These were major coups for AGENT FOX MEDIA, and we look forward to an enjoyable and fruitful journey ahead with both of these partnerships!

CHRONOS PUBLISHING published a number of books for our authors in 2024, and are on schedule to release more titles with us in 2025. Further details will follow on the BOOK SCHEDULE page of this website as soon as we have established publishing dates.

​WORLD HISTORY ARCHIVE is a content agency with a unique collection of historical and cultural images taken from illustrations, paintings, publications and periodicals. It features the Desmond Morris Collection, the Ann Ronan Picture Library and the EdiMedia Art Archive. We shall be collaborating to produce both historical illustrated books and educational projects with this partner moving forward.